

The Drug Tariff prices are indicative only and could be out of date at the time of publication. You must check the dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d).

If you're unable to get a generic Drug Tariff drug for the price listed, you must contact Community Pharmacy England.

Read more information on Community Pharmacy England website.

They can apply to the Department of Health and Social Care for a price concession.

Price concessions are published on both the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) and Community Pharmacy England websites.

Read more information on NHSBSA website.

Part IXA appliances

If you’re unable to get an item in Part IXA:

  • at the price listed from your normal wholesaler
  • directly from the manufacturer or supplier
  • without incurring additional charges such as carriage

You must contact Commnity Pharmacy England to report the issue.