
All contracts will go through a year-end reconciliation after each financial year.

NHS Dental Services support NHS England (NHSE) regional commissioning teams to review the annual contracted target against the actual activity delivered.

The year-end reconciliation will look at the total number of:

  • Units of Dental Activity (UDA)
  • Units of Orthodontic Activity (UOA)
  • Courses of treatment which include a sedation or domiciliary service

The reconciliation process is completed by September each year.

PDS+ contracts

NHS Dental Services do not support the reconciliation for PDS+ contracts.

NHSE regional dental commissioning teams will contact PDS+ and advanced service providers to explain their contract attainment and the process to follow.


Actual Activity Performed



A financial clawback will be administered up to the value of 100% of the contracts activity target and the contract subject to a breach notice.

96% - 100%

Activity will be carried forward to be delivered in the next financial year.

100% - 102%

Any activity completed over the contracts activity target will be carried forward to the next financial year.


Any activity completed over 102% of the contracts activity target will not be carried forward to the next financial year.

Courses of Treatment (CoT)

Actual Courses of Treatment Performed

>100% No carry forward will be applied to the contract for over-performance.
<100% A financial clawback will be administered up to the value of 100% of the contracts activity target.

Carry forward

If activity is carried over to the following year, you must complete this before any activity will not be counted towards the next year's target.