
Follow the guidance for if you're a:

  • Clinician
  • Provider


If you're an active clinician on an NHS contract and have access to Compass, you can view your current EDI PIN using the 'Clinician PIN request' screen in the 'Activity' folder.

You can request a new EDI PIN by selecting 'Reset PIN'.

A PIN is unique to you and you use the same one for any contract you're attached to.


Provider's are able to request a temporary EDI PIN to submit outstanding claims for a clinician who has left a practice.

You can request a temporary PIN using 'WebEDI Account Update' in the 'Activity' folder.

This screen is split into 2 tables.

The top table lists your Provider ID. When this is selected, the other table will list any WebEDI accounts.

To request a temporary PIN:

  1. Select Edit next to the WebEDI account.
  2. Select the Temp PIN Request tab.
  3. Select Request Temporary PIN next to the clinician.

This will create a temporary EDI PIN which is valid for 3 months.

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