
You have 2 months from the Date of Completion (DoC) of a course of NHS treatment to submit your FP17 to us.

We call this the 'Two Month Rule'.

If we receive the claim after this, the UDA will be disallowed and the claim will be marked as 'Late Submitted Claim' on your schedule.

If you've missed the cut off for a claim, you're legally required to submit this as there's financial value attached to the claim and the treatment must be recorded.

Orthodontic claims and Failed To Return (FTR) incomplete courses of treatment are not subject to the 2 month rule.

We recommend you still submit these regularly and as early as possible.

It's the responsibility of a dental practice to make sure their claims are submitted on time in order to be awarded. You must make sure you're transmitting regularly.

Any claims made after the date your Year End report is run will not count towards your contract's activity performance for the financial year.