Once you've checked you're eligible to transfer pension benefits into the NHS Pension Scheme, you must complete the Transfer in guide and application pack.
Form A is completed by the performer and your NHS employer, NHS Dental Services.
Form B is completed by the performer and your former pension scheme. If you’re transferring from another NHS Pension Scheme, you must only complete Form A.
Once the guide and application pack is complete, it must be sent to NHS Pensions.
Read more information about transferring into the Scheme on the NHS Pensions website.
Transferring between NHS Schemes
The NHS has 4 separate pension schemes depending on where someone works.
The separate schemes are:
- England and Wales
- Scotland
- Northern Ireland
- Isle of Man
If you change employment such as transferring from England to Scotland and you've paid into both of these Schemes, your pension will not automatically be transferred across.
You must apply for it to be transferred.