
The general allowance may be used to help you pay for any miscellaneous expenditure not covered by the other DSAs allowances and to supplement the specialist equipment allowance and Non-Medical Help (NMH) allowances, if necessary.

It can also be used to help pay for any Assistive Training (AT) to help you use your specialist equipment.

We may also consider reimbursement for consumables (such as paper and ink supplies, for example) if it is recommended on your Needs Assessment Report (NAR).

We would not usually help you with the costs towards books as funding for general living costs (including books) is already provided through the maintenance support available to the majority of full-time students.

If you require access to a book in an alternative format you should contact the library services at their university for assistance.

We may however provide help towards the costs of books in alternative formats if they are essential and your needs cannot be met through other solutions.

Please note that none of the above support is guaranteed; please refer to your DSAs award letter for confirmation of your entitlement.

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