
There are 3 rates of bursary that can be awarded which are determined by your living arrangements and the university you attend.

Parental Home Rate

This rate is awarded if you live in your parent(s) home during term time or you live in the home of a person who legally adopted you.

This is regardless of if you pay rent or if they normally live in the property or not.

Elsewhere Lodgings Rate

This rate is awarded if you do not not meet the criteria for parental home rate and do not attend a London university.

This includes if you:

  • live with friends or in the home of other relatives, but not the home of your parents or the person who has legally adopted you
  • live with parents but have a joint tenancy or mortgage with them
  • are the tenant or home owner and your parents live in your home, including cases where your parents contribute to the rent or mortgage

London Lodgings Rate

This rate is awarded if you meet the 'Elsewhere Lodgings Rate' criteria and attend a London university.

If you're a medical or dental student and you're intercalating at a London university and meet the 'Elsewhere Lodgings Rate' criteria, you'll be awarded this rate.