
If your organisation does not use ESR Employee Self Service, your employees will receive an Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) and not a Total Reward Statement (TRS).

The ABS will provide your employees with details of their NHS Pension Scheme benefits.

View an employee’s ABS

To view an employee’s ABS:

  1. Log into ESR.
  2. Enter the search criteria in the search box.
  3. Select the employee from the search results.
  4. If the statement has not been viewed before, a 'confirmation' pop up will appear.
  5. Select 'Continue' to view the statement.

Issues with ESR

If you’re experiencing issues with ESR, report this to the ESR service desk at IBM (McKesson).

Multiple employments

If your employee has multiple employments, each one will show as a separate tab on the employment section of their TRS.

Employment statements

To view an employment statement for one of your employees:

  1. Log into ESR.
  2. Enter the search criteria in the search box.
  3. Select the employee from the search results.
  4. Select the 'Employer Benefits' tab.

You can also select 'View Statement' under the 'Employee Statement' header.

Updating contact details

You must inform NHS Pensions of who your TRS and ABS contact is. This is so we can communicate directly with them and provide activity reminders. 
Email the contact details and any changes to You must include your employing authority code.