
When an item is included in the red separator it will be subject to an additional check.

Pharmacy contractors

The items to include in the red separator are:

  • FS endorsement not including contraceptives
  • Serious Shortage Protocol (SSP)
  • broken bulk items
  • items with a Net Ingredient Cost (NIC) of £100 or more
  • hand amendments by the prescriber
  • prescriptions where the prescribers signature goes over an item at the bottom of the prescription
  • out of pocket expenses
  • prescriptions where Prescriber's have added supplementary product information
  • HMP prescriptions from prison prescribers with the HMP abbreviation in the prescribers address
  • bulk prescriptions

Contraceptives do not fall into the ‘FS’ classification. These must not be submitted in the red separator, unless the prescription form meets another category.

Special prescription items must also be included in the red separator, such as:

  • an unlicensed medicine manufactured for an individual patient where a licensed product is not available
  • prescription items that have been specifically prepared

More information about special items is available in Part IIIA of the Drug Tariff.

Dispensing Doctor contractors

The items to include in the red separator are FS endorsement not including contraceptives.

Items not in the red separator

Items not included in the red separator must be secured with an elastic band or paper clip. Include this in the red separators with your Account Identifier document. 

Read more information about how to submit your end of month batch.

We will still process items which are not in the red separator, they'll bypass the additional check.

Read more information about how to sort your FP10s.