Taxable income includes:
- income from full, part-time, and temporary employment - if you get perks or benefits from your employer these may also be taxable
- profits from self employment after the deduction of allowable expenses
- State Pension
- personal or company pensions
- retirement annuity
- bank and building society interest not including Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
- National Savings and investments accounts and bonds
- dividends on company shares - not including dividend income from ISAs
- income from a lodger in your own or family home if more than £4,250 a year or £2,125 if split jointly
- income from a second property
- pensioner bonds
- trust income
- chargeable event gains from life insurance policies
- income from outside the UK
- taxable benefits
- maintenance payments for yourself
Non-taxable income includes:
- income from tax-free national savings and investments such as a savings certificate
- income from a scholarship, exhibition, bursary, or similar educational endowment
- interest, dividends, and other income from investments held in a Personal Equity Plan (PEP)
- interest, dividends, and bonuses from a Tax Exempt Special Savings Account (TESSA) unless it was closed before the 5 years were up
- interest, dividends, and other income from an Individual Savings Account (ISA)
- interest and terminal bonuses under Save As You Earn schemes (SAYE)
- premium bonds, National Lottery winnings, or gambling prizes
- student loan income received through Student Finance England (SFE)
- Capital Gains income
These lists are not exhaustive.