If you're receiving a retirement award or substitute retirement award and were aged 75 or over on or after 6 April 2011, you'll receive a lump sum.
You may be able to elect to commute your pension benefits.
If you're aged 75 on or after 6 April 2011 and become terminally ill, you may be able to take your benefits as a serious ill health lump sum.
Before 5 April 2011, scheme regulations did not allow the payment of a lump sum to a member who was aged 75 or over when the payment was authorised. This included any lump sum on death benefit when the member died after age 75 on or before 5 April 2011.
Members receiving a retirement award or substitute retirement award who were aged 75 or over on or before 5 April 2011 must have their lump sum or additional lump sum converted to extra pension. Trivial commutation lump sum paid after age 75 is an unauthorised lump sum.