
You can add pre-application questions to a job advert if applicants need to meet a criteria before applying.

An example of this could be applicants who need medical training or a professional registration.

Adding pre-application questions will prevent applicants who are not eligible from progressing to the application form.

You have the option to add pre-application questions when creating a job listing.

The pre-application questions are:

  • Do you possess [enter the name] qualification or equivalent?
  • Do you possess [enter the name] licence?
  • Do you possess [enter the name] registration?
  • Have you passed PLAB 2?
  • Have you passed the International Qualifying Exam (IQE) or Overseas Registration Exam (ORE)?
  • Are you currently employed by the Employer advertising this vacancy?

You’re unable to remove a pre-application question once a job listing has been published.

If you need to remove the question, you must close the vacancy and create a new one.

If an applicant is unable to answer yes to any of the questions added to the application, the applicant will not be able to continue the with their application.

Further support and user guides are available on our website.

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