
If you're eligible for a student loan, we must take into account the full amount of non-means tested and means tested elements available. This includes if you apply for it or not.

If an assessed contribution is to be made towards the loan, we also take that into account.

This means we take the same amount of loan into account for students studying the same number of classroom weeks regardless of their financial background.

Non-means tested element

This is the basic student loan that you're entitled to without you, your parents, guardians, or your partner having to do a financial assessment.

This can also be called 'non-income related part' or 'loan not based on household income'.

Means tested element

This is an additional element of the student loan you may be entitled to if you choose for you, your parents, guardians, or your partner to do a financial assessment.

This can also be called 'income related part' or 'loan based on household income'.

Standard calculation

Student not in their final year

Full loan available, minus a standard deduction for books and travel.

The remainder apportioned over 52 weeks equals the weekly amount used in an assessment.

Student in their final year

Full loan available, minus a standard deduction for books and travel.

The remainder divided over a period determined by:

  • when your academic year begins
  • where you make the claim from
  • where you study and the course you're studying

This is divided into weekly amounts used in an assessment.

Further information

The amount for books and travel are set by government legislation and cannot be increased to account for expenses that are unique to your course of study.

The standard travel deduction is £303.

The standard books and equipment deduction is £390.

We'll not use any childcare award you receive in our assessment.

If you apply during your summer holiday and have a loan from Student Finance England (SFE) or Student Finance Wales (SFW), we use your new award from 1 September.

If your loan is from Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), we use your new award from 1 August.