ADA is part of the additional allowances. It’s paid to students who have an adult who is wholly or mainly financially dependent on them while they're studying.
The rates cover a 52 week period during the academic year.
A full time student will receive up to £2,757.
A part time student will receive a pro rata amount, based on the length of your course. You can apply for one adult only.
To apply for ADA all the following must apply:
- you’re receiving the Postgraduate Social Work Bursary
- you have an adult dependant who is aged 18 years or over and is wholly or mainly financially dependent on you
- we’ve received a bursary application form to apply for the ADA before the deadline date.
You cannot claim ADA if either:
- you’re an undergraduate student
- you’re only receiving the Placement Travel Allowance (PTA) because you have not been included in your university's allocated or capped bursary places
- the adult dependant is your own child or the child of a spouse or partner
- the adult dependant is a student and is receiving a statutory award
- the adult dependant is not your spouse or partner, and their income is above £3,976
If you have a child who turns 18 years old after the start of your academic year there is further guidance here.