
Executive Senior Managers (ESM), who used to be known as Very Senior Managers (VSM), use a different pay framework to Agenda for Change (AFC) which can be found below.

ESM pay framework 

Role Grade  Salary amounts
Minimum Operational max Exception Zone (Max)
1 £100,000 £113,625 £131,300
2 £131,301 £146,450 £161,600
3 £161,601 £176,750 £191,900
4 £191,901 £207,050 £222,200

** The above amounts have been confirmed by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and are correct as of February 2021


Bottom of the Band

The salary entered for ESM roles for the bottom of the band should be the specified minimum amount as displayed in the above table only. Using a range of salaries for these roles is not recommended.   

Exception Zone (Max)

This is the maximum the organisation can offer with DHSC approval.

Approval must be sought by the organisation prior to any offer being made, any queries regarding this should be directed to the Corporate HR Team.